John was my very first boyfriend Freshman year. Like Bruce shared in his condolence, we had fun and found trouble! I recall hanging out with him, Rex Krueger and Mandy Devine in Rex's basement, listening to the Doors and getting high for the first time! John was always a sweet, sensitive and caring human. Our world is definitely less bright with his passing.
John and I "dated" for over a year our sophomore and junior year. He was always very good to me. We hung out a lot with Heidi Pabst and John Wright in our basements (but we were NOT getting high!!) He was a good person, and I'm very sorry to hear this news.
Very sad to hear about John . Prior comments on John brought a smile to my face as did the times John and I got together. It wasn't often enough , but I remember John as a good guy , decent and respectful of those he knew . A genuine person who enjoyed life and made friends easily , who also couldn't help but enjoy life more being around him. Prayers to the family.
'Very sorry to hear about John. Summers in high school, we camped in Door County and around the state. We drove to Mexico (Acapulco) senior year, spring break. After high school, we flew to Europe, where we spent a couple months traveling around. I'd visit him up in Door County summers where he worked. He was a good pal and a fun guy to be around. I'll miss him.
Very saddened and shocked to hear of John's passing. He was a good guy, fun to hang out with, and I loved running into him at his various jobs in Door County. Sending prayers for his family.
Bruce Brewer
My grade school buddy. Part of the group that looked for trouble, and we mostly found it.
Richard Zimmermann
Sad to hear about John. RIP my friend and prayers for your family.
We had some fun times long ago.
Ellory Peck
John was my very first boyfriend Freshman year. Like Bruce shared in his condolence, we had fun and found trouble! I recall hanging out with him, Rex Krueger and Mandy Devine in Rex's basement, listening to the Doors and getting high for the first time! John was always a sweet, sensitive and caring human. Our world is definitely less bright with his passing.
Vicki Phillips
Always loved John , first thought I had when I read this sad news.
Rick Koehler
Ran into John in the 90s in Door County. Got to play some golf with him.great Guy. Really sad news. RIP John.
Pam White
John and I "dated" for over a year our sophomore and junior year. He was always very good to me. We hung out a lot with Heidi Pabst and John Wright in our basements (but we were NOT getting high!!) He was a good person, and I'm very sorry to hear this news.
David Vetta
Very sad to hear about John . Prior comments on John brought a smile to my face as did the times John and I got together. It wasn't often enough , but I remember John as a good guy , decent and respectful of those he knew . A genuine person who enjoyed life and made friends easily , who also couldn't help but enjoy life more being around him. Prayers to the family.
Dennis Myles
'Very sorry to hear about John. Summers in high school, we camped in Door County and around the state. We drove to Mexico (Acapulco) senior year, spring break. After high school, we flew to Europe, where we spent a couple months traveling around. I'd visit him up in Door County summers where he worked. He was a good pal and a fun guy to be around. I'll miss him.
Heidi Pabst
Very saddened and shocked to hear of John's passing. He was a good guy, fun to hang out with, and I loved running into him at his various jobs in Door County. Sending prayers for his family.