Dirk Krause passed away Aug. 23, 2015, and is survived of his long-time love Lynn Pirelli, and his sister.
I couldn't find an obituary for him but found this about Dirk from a Shepherd Express column by Art Kumbalek:
"Which brings me to my long, longtime pal, Dirk “The Senator” Krause, a pal of mine from all the way back to the late and lamented glory days of ’70s Century Hall. And now for crying out loud, Dirk has also become late and lamented as of a week ago this past Sunday. Dirk possessed what you could call a wide-angle worldview. He was into a lot of things but, wouldn’t you know, was always first and foremost a topnotch Grade-A photographer. And I’ll tell you’s, if “bullshit detector” was an actual paying job, the guy would’ve been a focking billionaire. Rest in peace my friend. I know that won’t be easy, but I’m sure you’ll do just fine."
Lawrence Bragman
Dirk and I were Cumberland school classmates from about fourth grade on.
A new kid from the real City of Milwaukee of that day, Dirk had an intellectual maturity well beyond his years. We spent many days and nights running the streets of our neighborhood playing Green Beret.
We went our separate ways in High School but I would occasionally see him at Stone Cohen and other shows when I returned for visits back in the day.
I'm glad to hear Dirk "The Senator" found love and respect doing his work. One of the classic characters of my youth now walks in history.
Glenn Pincus
Very sorry to hear of Dirk's passing. For years I tried to find out where he was, but no one I knew seemed to know where he was. Dirk turned me on to The Who, photography, and new ideas. I had lunch with him frequently in the Suburban Room. Godspeed Dirk...